Increasing Publc Awareness on Environmental Issues
We are entering a second year of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). A lot has been said and papers produced by UN and governments, however too little is being done by us- people on the ground. It does not seem like people in the communities that we are working in are participating enthusiastically in the widespread implementation of the SDGs. The question is how can we engage our communities to make the Sustainable Development Goals their local goals and actively share objectives for all of people? How can individuals and collectives contribute to achieving the “Agenda 2030”? How can we involve on-the-ground actors in the process of SDGs implementation and solve current and emerging problems related to rapid climate change, famines, mass-migration, fundamentalism, resource wars, biodiversity loss, economic volatility, political disability, terrorism and other challenges. Only with active participation of people and communities around the world we can achieve the set Agenda.
From our side we shall enhance and make more effective collaboration between the public and private sector and civil society at local, national, regional and global scale. |